Saturday, February 12, 2011

On the Zong

On the Zong, this case draws up to announce the Xing as two years and concretely compute a method BE:28.5 ×s(1-5%-25%+15%)=24.225 months(two years).After announcing verdict, together win brave verdict in the obedience court, the legal effect happens to verdict already.
According to know, measuring Xing norm to turn to make the judge have 1 can be provided to executively judge standard and sentences an error margin with case to let up, already the precision strengthens the public is trust and authority of court verdict till"month".Meanwhile, the hospital returns to argue quantity Xing to bring into a court to review in sun City and control to argue both parties respectively to quantity penal viewpoints all without any reservation"put on the table is top", make accused the person well understand own quantity Xing details and quantity Xing range and strengthened accused person to judge result of accept degree and implement verdict voluntarily sex.

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